Football prediction Milan has the highest attendance of home matches of the series and in the season. Inter-2nd, Roma-3rd, Juventus-6th
Blog of Asia Betting Predictions

Milan leads the attendance of matches in the current season of the A. series according to the Calcio E Finanza rating, the average attendance of Rossoneri home matches in the 2024/25 season is 71, 572 spectators. The second place in this indicator is occupied by Inter (71, 378 spectators), the third is Roma (62 038 spectators). The top 5 also included Napoli and Lazio.
Juventus for the attendance of home matches from asia betting predictions is in 6th place (40, 596 spectators), Atalanta-on the 12th (22, 780 spectators).
In this season, Caglia with an indicator of 97, 9%is the leading of the stadium. Juventus is 2nd (97, 8%), 3rd place is occupied by Como (97, 6%).
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