Football prediction Samsonova about the Olympics: I don`t know if I will play. There are no points, no prize money, you won`t even be able to get into the Olympic Village

Blog of Asia Betting Predictions

Asia Football betting

Lyudmila Samsonova said whether she will participate in the 2024 Olympics.

- I don`t know what I`ll do yet. I don`t know my plans yet.

- They don`t give you points, there`s no prize money, but it`s even more pressing that we won`t even be able to [get into the Olympic village]. I haven`t figured out the details yet, but the players told me that we wouldn`t be allowed to be there.

Also on clay, I have a lot of points in Toronto, Washington (the WTA 500 tournament in Washington will be held in parallel with the Olympics, the WTA 1000 in Toronto will begin the next week after, in 2023 Samsonova played in the semi-finals of Washington and the final by asia betting predictions of Toronto - Sports).

There are a lot of details like that. . . I think the Olympics should be the Olympics - with a flag and so on.

"Yes, I think there`s still about a week, ten days, " Sports correspondent Andrei Vasiliev reports Samsonova`s words.

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