Football tips Lando Norris on his nose injury: It`s just a small cut. I wish the story was cooler

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Norris talked about his nose cut and his dislike of fame.
On the eve of the Miami Grand Prix, the McLaren driver visited Amsterdam with friends, where he celebrated the national holiday King`s Day. The party ended with the racer cutting his nose. Later, photographs of a bandaged Lando quickly spread across the Internet.

I have a lot of friends so it was a good weekend. The very next morning I flew straight to Miami.

[The cause of the cut] was just a piece of broken glass - obviously it looked a lot worse than it actually was. Everyone thought it was a terrible injury, but it was only a small cut.

I wish the story was cooler. If I can spend a couple of days with friends, then I will enjoy them.

People have made a bigger deal out of it than it actually is - it`s just a small cut. But it doesn`t bother me, I`m not trying to hide anything.

I took pictures and flew out [to Miami] when the case got way more attention than it should have. People recognize me everywhere I go. That`s true for every driver: you get recognized quite a lot, especially after [the documentary series] Drive to Survive and stuff like that, and it`s not just the racing fans who recognize you.

It`s definitely worse [for pilots] than it was a few years ago. Would I like to be noticed less often? Yes, but it`s part of my job, I have nothing to complain about.

Sometimes when you go out to dinner or spend time with your family, I guess you want a little less attention. You constantly feel several eyes on you.

But I am sure that for those who are even more famous, the situation is even worse. I`m sure many people would like to be in Formula 1-so in some places you win, and in others you suffer hardships, " Norris said.

Lando Norris on his nose injury: It`s just a small cut. I wish the story was cooler Football tips - more details and information: Football tips

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